When a parent is awarded child support after a separation or divorce, it can lift a huge weight off their shoulders. The financial burden of looking after a child as a single parent may prove overwhelming, so child support often makes all the difference. The problem is, the other parent is not always prepared to comply with a court order or divorce decree.
You may be able to turn to relevant state departments for help. However, don’t be surprised if those agencies do not have the resources to track down the parent evading child support orders. If you are unable to provide any useful information that would help the state agency find the other parent, the investigation may reach a dead-end. That leaves you struggling to feed, clothe and otherwise provide for your child or children.
Locating Useful Information in Child Support Investigations
There is light at the end of the tunnel if you can locate certain information on the offending parent. Property records and vehicle registrations are particularly useful in tracking down a parent who is avoiding his or her obligations to pay child support. Can a PI help you enforce child support? While a PI does not have the power to compel a parent to pay child support, the Empire Pacific Investigative Asset Search Team can help you gather relevant information that would result in the enforcement of a child support order.
When a fleeing individual is located as the result of our investigation, all the information that we source can be turned over to state agencies. This information allows those agencies to enforce child support payments in a number of ways. A parent’s wages can be garnished or he or she can be held in contempt of court.
Investigative Experience
Our Empire Pacific Investigative Asset Search Team is made up of ex-law enforcement and military professionals with extensive investigative experience. The average individual does not have the skills or knowledge to outwit an experienced investigator. You can trust our team to work diligently on your case in order to provide a swift and satisfactory conclusion. The end result is that you receive the child support you are owed and end up in a stronger financial position.
If you would like more information on how we can help you enforce a child support order, reach out to an Empire Pacific Investigative Asset Search Team representative today. We are committed to helping you achieve financial stability as the result of an effective child support collection investigation.
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1117 Sherbourne Dr.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Phone: (310) 657-3747
Email: epis0007@gmail.com
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM