A gaslighter is one category of an abuser who uses manipulation to control another person. The methodology behind this kind of coercive behavior involves making the target feel like they have lost touch with reality.
There are many psychological profiles that are similar to gaslighting, so it is important not to throw terms around loosely. However, it is also essential that the victim is not further marginalized due to semantics. If the behavior is abusive, the victim deserves support.
Gaslighting is a toxic behavior designed to exercise control. How it is expressed will differ from person to person. However, what is consistent is the attempt to make a targeted individual feel that they are irrational, overreacting, or have lost all concept of reality.
Guilt Tripping
Somebody who uses gaslighting will often collect evidence of slight indiscretions on the part of the victim. For example, if you forget to pay a bill once, the abusive individual will use exaggeration to paint you as financially irresponsible.
Other examples include accusing the victim of cheating while there is clear evidence that the abuser is guilty of infidelity. This can manifest in creating or planting false evidence or manipulating others into providing false accounts.
Victims of Gaslighting
Victims of gaslighting are easily confused, either due to issues such as repeated abuse or past mental traumas. In addition, the perpetrator may use isolation to reinforce coercive tactics, which typically involve cutting the victim off from family and friends.
If you are feeling confused and unsure about what is reality and fantasy, a gaslighter could be twisting your perception of reality. While mental illness is a potential cause of your symptoms, it is important to seek help from the right sources.
How can EPIS Help?
EPIS has the tools to determine whether you have fallen victim to a toxic partner, family member, or friend. Unfortunately, the lines between abuse and mental illness can become blurred with manipulative individuals using coercion as a control tool.
We employ individuals experienced in private investigation who can assess evidence-based on merit. Our team will provide you with an unbiased report supported by video, text, and other evidence.
Call EPIS today if you feel that a partner or somebody else is trying to manipulate you. We can use surveillance and other techniques to uncover the truth. Our investigators are fully licensed and have the experience to uncover the answers you need.
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West Hollywood, CA 90069
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Email: epis0007@gmail.com
Monday - Friday
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