In every aspect of our personal lives, trust is an important expectation. If you have suspicions about the behavior of a spouse, child, friend or co-worker, you may benefit from a private investigation consultation. When attempting to get to the truth, it is often necessary to take a more professional route. Doing otherwise has the potential to tip off the object of your suspicions, which will leave you languishing in the dark.
Spousal Investigation & Surveillance
If you think that your spouse or partner is cheating, why not take advantage of a free private investigation consultation from Empire Pacific Investigative Services, Inc.? When your significant other is behaving suspiciously, it could mean that he or she is seeing someone behind your back. EPIS provides professional investigation and surveillance services to provide you with the evidence you need to catch a partner in the act.
Suspicious behavior may include working longer hours, unexplained spending or being emotionally unavailable. While these changes in behavior may not necessarily point toward cheating, a private investigation consultation will prove beneficial. We can assess your case and provide guidance and recommendations.
Teen Surveillance
When your kids reach a certain age, giving them more freedom to hang out with friends or travel further afield is understandable. However, that does not mean you have to let go completely. In a time where potential predators are using sophisticated online methods to target vulnerable teens, a private investigation consultation will allow you to explore your options.
As part of a private investigation consultation, Empire Pacific Investigative Services, Inc., can discuss your needs and match relevant services. We can provide surveillance, including tracking your teens while they are online or on the move. Our team uses discreet devices that can be attached to a teen’s vehicle to track location, speed of travel and much more.
Empire Pacific Investigative Services, Inc.
At Empire Pacific Investigative Services, Inc., we offer a free private investigation consultation because every case is different. It is important that you work with an organization that understands the complexities of your needs. We draw from the combined knowledge and experience of investigators with law enforcement and armed services backgrounds.
To give you peace-of-mind or explore your options, get in contact with Empire Pacific Investigative Services, Inc. today. All our private investigation consultations are free, with no obligation to take further services. Call today to learn more from an experienced private investigator.
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1117 Sherbourne Dr.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Phone: (310) 657-3747
Email: epis0007@gmail.com
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM