In psychology, “gaslighting” is a term that refers to behavior that is intended to manipulate a victim into doubting the reliability of memory, perceptions and even reality. The term originates from a Patrick Hamilton play, “Gas Light,” from 1938. In the play and subsequent movie adaptations, a woman is convinced she is going insane due to her husband gradually manipulating her environment and experiences.
In the modern age, gaslighting can also refer to manipulating a partner or spouse into believing that signs of infidelity are imaginary. In such cases, the cheating partner may also claim that the victim is acting or wants to act unfaithfully and is projecting feelings of guilt. This type of manipulative behavior is psychologically damaging in several ways.
Why Cheaters Gaslight
For cheaters, gaslighting is an effective way to avoid accountability by preventing victims from asking questions. It may manifest as the cheating party making counter allegations, manipulating the victim into thinking he or she is insane or fabricating situations that cover up any suspicious acts.
In reality, there are countless paths a manipulator can take to cover up infidelity while making the injured party feel bad. Those who are psychologically predisposed towards such behavior possess a particular type of intelligence, making it difficult to catch them in the lie.
Investigating the Careful Cheat
One of the key components of ensuring that gaslighting is never uncovered is how careful the manipulator is in words and deed. If you suspect that something isn’t right, approaching this type of person without evidence will only result in ridicule, anger or counter accusations. For the victim, that means being left in an impossible position with nowhere to turn but acceptance.
A private investigator can unearth evidence of infidelity without a cheating partner or spouse’s knowledge. It is not so easy to gaslight an impartial party – especially when the manipulator has no idea that person has entered into the picture. By using audio, photographic, video and other forms of evidence, a PI can change the game in your favor.
At EPIS, we hire ex-military and law enforcement personal to conduct private investigations on behalf of our clients. Cheating partners and spouses will leave clues that an experienced PI can use to identify patterns of behavior and movements. Once we have compiled a case, you as the client will have all the information needed to shatter the illusion.
Would you like to discuss your infidelity concerns with an experienced PI? Call our offices today for a no-obligation consultation.
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Email: epis0007@gmail.com
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