It is very common for parents to be unaware of all the activities of their teenagers. Even the most involved and dedicated parent cannot be with their child all the time, nor should they keep a teen from learning independence. It’s a dangerous world and most parents want to help their children make choices that keep them safe. One way to keep informed about your teen’s activities is with EPIS surveillance.
While some parents may not want to invade their teen’s privacy, they also want to maintain safety. Teens can be very sneaky when it comes to hiding activities from their parents, and most parents do not have the time or resources to keep tabs on their teens 24 hours a day. Surveillance services for teens can be a solution, especially when there are indications that the teen is hiding something. Some of the reasons parents hire a private investigator for teen surveillance include:
- Changes in their behavior
- Concerns about drug or alcohol abuse
- Catching teen in telling lies
- Declining school performance
- Relationships – friends or romantic concerns
- Crime or gang association
Most parents can tell that their teen is not being truthful, but it can be difficult to find out what is going on without help. EPIS specializes in surveillance, and we can find out the truth about your teen’s activities quickly and discreetly.
Effective Teen Surveillance
There are many methods we can use to investigate your teen’s activities. Many times, simply checking their internet history and digital trail can lead us to information, but we also can provide actual physical surveillance. Our investigators are experts at using GPS tracking devices and trailing methods to follow your teen’s moves. We even use disguises, body cameras, surveillance technology and many other techniques to uncover the who, when and where of the teen’s activities.
In our teen surveillance investigations, we have uncovered dangerous situations, which were able to be mitigated before the teen was harmed. While it may seem extreme, surveillance can be the best way to protect your teen from making choices that could change their life forever. We have helped discover illegal activities, sexual predators/encounters and many other concerning situations, alerting parents to dangerous circumstances for their teen.
If you are concerned about your teen and want to explore your options, contact us at EPIS in Beverly Hills to schedule a consultation on teen surveillance. You can expect confidential, professional service from our investigative team.
Posted on behalf of
1117 Sherbourne Dr.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Phone: (310) 657-3747
Email: epis0007@gmail.com
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM