Irvine Infidelity Private Investigator
The nature of many relationships allows for varying amounts of freedom. Partners engage in activities with friends or groups of friends regularly, as well as with their partners. Trust is important in these relationships. When you feel that trust is being violated by an outside sexual relationship, you need a way to get the facts. Empire Pacific Investigative Services can provide an Irvine infidelity private investigator to get you some answers.
Our licensed and talented investigators all have backgrounds in law enforcement or the military, so they are well-versed at surveillance and other investigative techniques. Plus, we have tools and other techniques at our disposal that are not known by the general public. This allows us to maintain a discreet profile while gathering images, video and other crucial evidence for your case.
Adultery, Cheating Spouse Private Detective
Contracting with an adultery or cheating spouse private detective in Irvine is not an extreme reaction. On the contrary, it is a wise course of action. Asking friends or neighbors to spy on your partner can only lead to problems, like stalking charges or leaking the fact that you are checking up on your partner. Non-professionals cannot get the hard evidence you need to prove or disprove your suspicions without complications.
You need the services of a professional, experienced investigator that can gather and document the facts without triggering backlash from your partner or even raising suspicions. Armed with the facts, you can then make sound decisions about the relationship and your future. The evidence we gather in Irvine and elsewhere can be used in divorce proceedings – or to strengthen your faith in your partner.
Signs of a Cheater in Irvine, CA
An occasional odd action or reaction by your partner is generally not a reason for overt concern. But when a combination of strange or suspicious actions raise your antenna, something may be amiss. Common signs of a cheater can include:
- Increased internet activity
- Guarding access to a cell phone
- Increased travel
- Working late more often
- New friendships
- Unexplained receipts or bank drafts
- Emotional or physical disconnection from you
If you believe your Irvine partner is engaged in another compromising relationship, contact EPIS today. An Irvine infidelity private investigator can get you the facts quickly and safely. Call or message us online today to schedule a confidential consultation.